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Nowy artykuł dr. Trybusa

W najnowszym wydaniu czasopisma Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies znajduje się artykuł Adama Trybusa pt. Two of a Kind: Setting the Record Straight on Russell’s Exchange with Ladd-Franklin on Solipsism. Oto wyjątek z abstraktu:

[Solipsism is] a theme that was important for Russell throughout his writings. In fact, in some of his works he famously mentions his encounters with Ladd-Franklin, hinting at a difference of opinions and her inability to see the inconsistency in what she claimed. After analysing the correspondence, with some letters resurfacing only recently, one sees a completely different picture: Russell not only does not object to what she claims, he even agrees with her! This article aims to show what really transpired as evidenced by the letters, of which seven of the extant eleven are reproduced in full with annotations.

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